In order to bring optimum output form the valuable human resources, there should be a process in place in very organization. The better the management of workforce the higher the benefits it derives. Overall, it improves the bottom line. Workforce nee...
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax levied on the supply of goods and services. The tax GST exists in multiple countries. and since 2018 the GST tax term associated with India also. GST is levied at every step in the production process, ...
It is advisable to keep a good and legally compliant payroll system due to the regulatory needs. The payroll management process includes administration of employee’s financial records including salaries, bonuses, deductions, and net pay. As the busi...
Henry L. Gantt, an American engineer, and social scientist developed Gantt a chart as a production control tool. Gantt chart is used as a project management tool, and it provides graphical illustration of project schedule. As a project management tool, ...
The primary task of a Manager is to get team members to contribute to best of their abilities to achieve the goals of an enterprise. Hence, a Manager needs to know what leads the team members to do things, and what motivates them. This can be done by ...
Projects often undergo lots of changes during its lifetime. It is not always possible to strictly follow project plan, and it needs lots of modifications according to change in work progress. Change management is something that is critical for completin...
It is very important for a project manager to know what team members are doing in their working hours. It is a fact that contribution of each team member directly impacts the success of any project. In the business context, productivity can be defin...
Decision-making is a crucial part of any business. The question is ‘how is a good decision made? One part of the answer is good information, and expertise in interpreting information. Well organized data helps in retrieving more specific and valid...
It is generally believed that communication separates a poor leader from an exceptional one. Effective Communication within a team eliminates confusion, and fosters healthy & happy workplace. It is the key to good leadership and allows one to get ...
Different people have very different, often conflicting expectations of a leader. The leadership role is complex and it is critical to project success. Typical expectations stakeholders have of a project leader as follows – External Role Figureh...